• Table

    • [2F] Restaurant floor where you can sit comfortably for 2 to 34 people.

      Table 34Person(s) × 1

      [2F] Restaurant floor where you can sit comfortably for 2 to 34 people.

  • Counter seat

    • [1F] A lively floor with 7 high tables and 15 counters! The terrace seats with a feeling of liberation are just Sicily! You can enjoy a blissful time while watching the antipasto in the showcase until 3 pm.

      Counter seat 22Person(s) × 1

      [1F] A lively floor with 7 high tables and 15 counters! The terrace seats with a feeling of liberation are just Sicily! You can enjoy a blissful time while watching the antipasto in the showcase until 3 pm.

  • Chartering

    • The restaurant can be reserved for up to 30 people when seated, and up to 50 people if it is a stand-up style! Interior decorations from Sicily add to the exotic mood.Toilets are also available on each floor, making it ideal for private parties.Our specialty Sicilian party menu is full of volume and free drinks are also available.Very popular with various corporate parties!

      Chartering 50Person(s) × 1

      • Maximum number of people

        Sitting style only

      • Smoking/non-smoking


      • Charge
        Yes 330 yen to 440 yen (tax included) per person (dinner only.The course is an exception.)

      The restaurant can be reserved for up to 30 people when seated, and up to 50 people if it is a stand-up style! Interior decorations from Sicily add to the exotic mood.Toilets are also available on each floor, making it ideal for private parties.Our specialty Sicilian party menu is full of volume and free drinks are also available.Very popular with various corporate parties!